Ladybug Painted Rocks

Rock painting is a really simple and fun activity! Get creative and use your imagination to paint any character, animal, or design you can think of! Follow these instructions to paint a ladybug!

Materials You Need: 

  • Rocks 
  • Acrylic Paint 
  • Paint Pens or Sharpies 
  • Paint Brushes- thin and fat 
  • Newspaper- to protect your area 
  • Plate-  for the paint 
  • Can of Clear Sealer Spray 


  1. Think of what you want to paint on your rocks. Choose flat and smooth rocks. 
  2. Wash and dry the rocks. 
  3. Choose a rock that fits the shape of the character you want to paint. For the ladybug, I chose a flat smooth rock that was narrow on one end and wide on the other, like a drop. 
  4. Paint the rock with the base color. For the ladybug, I painted the rock red. Allow the paint to dry completely. 
  5. Use painters tape to mark off the head towards the narrow end. Paint the top narrow part of the rock black and allow the paint to dry completely and peel off the tape.
  6. Once the black paint is dry you can add eyes (glue on wiggle eyes or paint on eyes).
  7. Add a black line down the back of the ladybug and then put on spots. I used a paint pen for this but you can also use a thin paintbrush and paint.
  8. Let the paint dry completely. 
  9. In an open area, spry the rock with a clear sealer spray. This will prevent the paint from washing off. 

Check out our other posts for instructions to make more rocks! Enjoy! 


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