Plastic Bag Kite

 Please enjoy this really cute and customizable plastic bag kite! Fly your kite high in the sky and have fun!

Materials You Need: 

  • Plastic bag
  • 3 wooden sticks/ rods, chopsticks, or straws
  • Sharpie markers to decorate
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Tape


  1. Tape 2 sticks together so that you are creating a larger stick nearly double the size. Secure the meeting point between the ends of the sticks with tape. 
  2. Place the third stick across the longer stick to create a cross shape or "t." Using a piece of string tie these sticks together. Don't tie the string too tightly, keep it loose enough so that the sticks remain in a cross shape but are still tied together. 
  3. Flip the sticks over and make a second knot with the string going in the opposite direction. This should keep the sticks in place in a cross position. 
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue making alternating knots until the sticks are entirely secure. Cut off the extra string.
  5. Cut a piece of string the length of the kite. Mark with a piece of tape halfway between the top of the cross and the horizontal stick, and mark halfway between the bottom portion of the cross and the horizontal stick. 
  6. Tie the string beneath the taped areas. Wrap the excess end of the string around the stick and secure it with a piece of tape to avoid unraveling. 
  7. Cut open the plastic bag so that it lays flat. Place the structure you've made on top of the bag. Using a sharpie, draw a diamond on the plastic connecting the 4 points to create the kite shape. You can use a ruler, or use leftover string from one corner to another and follow with the sharpie. Cut out the diamond. 
  8. Decorate your kite! 
  9. With your string part facing up, line the wooden structure on top of the plastic. Use tape to secure the edges and middles of the wooden structure to the plastic bag. 
  10. To make the tail, roll up a piece of plastic bag cut into a rectangle. Leave a portion unrolled at the top. 
  11. Make lines along the rolled-up portion with a sharpie. Cut along the lines. Roll out each strand. It should look like a jellyfish. 
  12. Fold the tail in half, place it on top of the wooden stick at the end of the kite, and tape it around.
  13. Tie a string from the spool to the middle of the string on the kite to fly!


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